Wreckwatch magazine shares the sunken wonders and beauty of the world's oceans that belongs to us all. The magazine covers new discoveries and the latest thinking about shipwrecks, exploration, maritime trade, history and art. It's the first popular magazine dedicated to the global sunken past.
As a resource for education and entertainment, Wreckwatch is free to everyone.
Wreckwatch is read in 73 countries and has enjoyed extensive international media interest in newspapers and on television and radio. Double issues range from 114-166 pages each, making it the biggest archaeology magazine in the world.
Our writers include divers and amateur sleuths, museum curators, marine archaeologists, professors and best-selling novelists.
Regular sections cover Seven Seas News, Decoding Unidentified Shipwrecked Artefacts, Splash (art & graffiti), Broadside (inside controversies), Stowaway, Postcards, Bookshelf and the issue's Icon.
Wreckwatch was founded in 2020 by Dr Sean Kingsley. Sean has a doctorate from Oxford University and is a former visiting fellow at Reading University.
For eight years he was the managing editor of Minerva, the international review of ancient art and archaeology.
For twelve years Sean has been the Director of Wreck Watch Int. seeking to protect and share the sunken past.
Sean has worked as a marine archaeologist and historian for thirty years. Beneath the waves he’s explored over 350 wrecks from Ireland to Israel.
He’s the lead archaeologist for the Maritime Heritage Foundation on the iconic wreck of the 100-gun, first-rate Victory, the greatest warship of the early Georgian age of sail, sunk in 1744.
In 2019 Sean was the Guest Curator for the exhibition Voices from the Deep at The Postal Museum in London that featured 700 letters saved from the 4.7 kilometre-deep British steamship the Gairsoppa.
In 2020 he led a public relations campaign about the first deep-sea wrecks found in the East Mediterranean. News of the discovery was heavily covered in the media, reaching over 112 million people worldwide.
Sean is the author of 15 books and over 250 articles, news features, editorials and book reviews. He has developed and appeared in documentaries for the History Channel, Discovery Channel, National Geographic, Epix, CBC and the BBC.
In 2018-2020 he filmed for Enslaved presented by Samuel L. Jackson, Voices From the Deep for the BBC One Show, and Drain the Oceans.